Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I think my metabolism has been picking up. I no longer am timing my eating to every hour, I am hungry throughout the day. The last two mornings I have woken up around 8am very hungry. I get up and make a shake and go back to bed. I a night person so 8 is pretty early. If I can I am going to work out while I am up, or at the very least do some yoga. I can already see the results from this round of working out. I am on day 19. I am heavily considering doing doubles. I have tried working out twice during the weight days of last week, and yes I am more tired and more sore, but it seems to be manageable. I am going to continue to do doubles on weight days this week and possibly on recovery week. I am going to reference the doubles plan. I have been adding Cardio X to my day. I like it. I sweat, get my heart rate up and feel great after doing it. I also want to get back to where I was at before my concussion faster. I am about 5lbs away from that goal. I am more concerned about how my clothes feel and how I look than weight. I feel like I am putting on, and toning muscle right now so I do not expect my weight to reveal much anyway.


  1. I've been reading through your blog and I was curious if you thought if someone on a raw vegan diet could do the P90X. I'm looking at doing it at home (once I'm not longer on the road and can regularly make raw veggie/fruit smoothies to help keep me fueled throughout the day).

  2. I don't see why not. I have been taking RAWMEAL as a supplement and I love it. There is another protein supplement by the same company, but I went with RAWMEAL for the vitamins. Getting calories might be a little difficult, but eating avocado, bananas, coconut, nuts, and things higher in fat might help with getting enough calories. It depends on your fitness goals, but I would give it a try. juicing would also be a great way to get more calories in your day. Thanks for posting a comment.

  3. Try the engine 2 diet, all vegan and lots of variety

  4. I checked out the engine 2. Looks pretty good. And from what I can tell pretty close to what I have been doing for this round. Whole foods, grains, fruit, veggies, legumes. yum!
