Thursday, January 13, 2011

trying something new

I am exploring my relationship to food. I love food. I love cooking even more. I have decided to try to eat something small every 1-2 hours. I have a bowl that would hold about 8-10 fl oz that I have been using as my portion control. I set an alarm to go off every hour, and I either have something left over, start cooking, or have a shake. In addition to protein shakes I am trying out Garden of Life's Raw Meal. It has many minerals and vitamins and tastes pretty good. RAWMEAL . I have also been staying with the mostly whole foods diet. Lentils are a friend of mine. Red Lentil soup is one of my favorites. I have also created a meatloaf that is actually really good. both recipes to come.
I am on the third day of eating 10 times a day. I feel great. I feel hungry about every hour and am satisfied with the small bowl portion.

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